Alaturi de Voi Romania Foundation
Alaturi de Voi Romania Foundation – with the legal headquarters in Iasi, 10 Vovideniei Street and the social headquarters in 5 Bazinelor Street, Uricani village, Miroslava, Iasi County, fiscal code 14545164, registered at the Register of Associations and Foundations under...
Bethany Foundation of Social Services
Bethany Foundation of Social Services - with the headquarters in Timisoara, 4 CaleaDorobantilor, Timis County and with a branch in Iasi, 1 VariantaUzinei Street, fiscal code 5481584, represented by Diana Cristea, Executive President and by the authorized representative Diana Maria...
World Vision Romania Foundation
World Vision Romania Foundation - with the headquarters in Bucharest, 7 Rotasului Street, sector 1, Romanian juridical person, authorized to operate through the civil sentence no. 15 of 12.02.1997, pronounced by the Bucharest Court – Disputed Claims and Administrative Office...
The National Association for Children and Adults with Autism from Romania (A.N.C.A.A.R.) –Iasi branch–
The National Association for Children and Adults with Autism from Romania (A.N.C.A.A.R.) –Iasi branch–has obtained juridical personality in 2003 and operates in the field of children and persons with autism. The purpose of the organization is to support children and...
‘AncoraSalvarii’ Foundation, Iasi
‘AncoraSalvarii’ Foundation,Iasi–has the purpose of helping the people with disabilities or chronical diseases, regardless the race, religion, nationality etc. The Ancora Centre was founded in the autumn of 2003, by organising activities for the support of the children and young...
The Foundation Centre of Mediation and Community Security
The Foundation Centre of Mediation and Community Security – aims at developing a model of community security, systems and protocols of multi-institutional collaboration and services at the highest standards in order to protect the victims of any type of abuse...
The Association of Support for Special Needs People – Luceafarul, Neamt
The Association of Support for Special Needs People - Luceafarul, Neamt: Piatra Neamţ city, Aleea Ulmilor no. 24, bl. B3, sc. B, ap. 19, postal code 610268, Neamţ county, fiscal code 15858135, legally represented by Daniela Coman, president.
SOS Children Villages Romania
SOS Children Villages Romania, with headquarters in Bucuresti - National coordination office, 1st sector, Calea Floreasca street, no. 165. Other adresses: SOS Children Villages Romania - Sibiu –Cisnadie city, Sibiu county, Hermann Gmeiner street, no. 37; SOS Children Villages Romania...
Bucuresti, Cisnadie - Sibiu, Hemeius - Bacau.
Estuar Foundation
Estuar Foundation, based in Bucharest, Ion Creanga street, no. 6C, bl. 87, Sc. 1, ap. 1, sector 5, postal code 050864, fiscal code 4829835, registered in the Registry of Associations and Foundations, no. 3089/B/2006 from 22.11.2016, legally represented by Dr....
Bucuresti, Ploiesti, Cluj-Napoca, Giurgiu